What Do California Quail Eat?
The California quail (Callipepla californica) is well-known for its distinctive plumage and vocalizations. But what do these plump, social birds eat? The California quail is an opportunistic omnivore that consumes a diverse range of foods across seasons.
By understanding their diet and foraging strategies, we can better conserve the habitats and resources these birds rely on.
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The California Quail’s Diverse Diet
This ground-dwelling quail has a varied diet fitting its status as a habitat generalist in western North America. California quail feeds on plant materials like seeds, berries, leaves, buds, and some agricultural crops.

They supplement this vegetation with protein-rich insects when available, especially during the breeding season when protein demands are high. Their broad palate allows California quail to adapt to changing seasonal conditions across their native chaparral, sagebrush, riparian, and woodland ecosystems.
Favorite Foods
California quail have preferred foods they target when available during the year:
Food | Details |
Seeds and Grains | Grass seeds, wheat, beans, rice |
Berries and Fruits | Cherries, buckthorn berries, manzanita berries, blackberries |
Greens | Leaves, buds, sprouts of forbs and shrubs |
Acorns and Nuts | Valued fall and winter food source |
Insects | Beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars |
How Do California Quail Gather Food?
To find a balanced diet, California quail spend much of their day foraging by walking along the ground in search of plant food sources. They scratch leaf litter with their feet to uncover hidden seeds and nuts.
While foraging, these birds remain in close contact using soft vocalizations to maintain covey bonds. Their strong toes and curved nails help them grasp and scratch apart dense soil and leaf cover.
Insects become a bigger part of the quail’s diet in summer, allowing them to meet the high protein requirements of the breeding season. They capture insects by making short flying bursts or grabbing them directly from vegetation.
California quail will sometimes eat at bird feeders as well when available. They are adept at using artificial food and water sources around human settlements.
What Do California quail Eat in the Winter?
The winter diet of California quail shifts to rely more on acorns and nut crops along with remaining berries. Quail ingests grit such as fine gravel, sand, and decomposed granite to help grind up hard acorn shells in their muscular gizzard.
Acorns and other nuts are critical to the birds having enough calories and nutrients to survive the colder months when other foods are limited.
California quail requires access to surface water, especially during the dry summer and winter. They drink daily, getting fluid from dew, standing water sources, and sprinklers. Having a clean water supply makes quail more resilient when food is scarce.
What Do California Quail Babies Eat?
The diet of growing California quail chicks is entirely insect-based for the first two weeks after hatching. Their parents lead them to areas with abundant ants, beetles, caterpillars, and other soft-bodied insects that are easy to digest for the young birds.
Adults feed the chicks Crop milk, a nutritious secretion from their crop lining. As the chicks develop, they gradually transition to eating plant materials until their diet mirrors the adults.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Do California quail eat meat?
California quail are omnivores, not carnivores. They occasionally consume small amounts of animal protein in the form of insects but do not hunt other birds or mammals. Their main food sources are seeds, nuts, leaves, berries, and roots.
2. What predators eat California quail?
Common quail predators include coyotes, foxes, bobcats, snakes, raptors like hawks and owls, and other birds of prey. House cats also kill many ground-dwelling quail.
3. How do California quail find water?
These quail get moisture from eating succulent plants but also need to drink daily. They remember reliable water sources and can smell rain coming. During dry conditions, quail seek out lawn sprinklers, cattle troughs, and other artificial water sources.
4. Do quail come to bird feeders?
Yes, California quail will readily visit platform feeders baited with their preferred seeds like millet. They typically feed in quick bursts and then retreat back into cover. Proper feeder placement near the escape cover is key.
Final Thought
The California quail is well-adapted to chaparral ecosystems thanks to its diverse, seasonal diet. This food generalist consumes a wide variety of plant matter supplemented by protein-rich insects. Key foods throughout the year are seeds, nuts, berries, leaves, and invertebrates.
Meeting the habitat needs and dietary resources of California quail is central to their conservation. Protecting native plants that provide both sustenance and cover allows these engaging birds to thrive.
- Gutiérrez, R. J., & Delehanty, D. J. (1999). Mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus). In The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
- Beedy, E. C., & Hamilton, W. J. (1999). California Quail (Callipepla californica). In The Birds of North America (No. 392). American Ornithologists’ Union.
- Baptista, L. F., Trail, P. W., & Dietz, J. (1997). Family Odontophoridae (New World Quails). In J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, & J. Sargatal (Eds.), Handbook of the Birds of the World (Vol. 3, pp. 147–204). Lynx Edicions.
- DeGraaf, R. M., & Miller, R. I. (1996). Breeding and feeding ecology of the California Quail in California. The Southwestern Naturalist, 41(4), 376-385.