Lagopus Lagopus Alba Overview
Scientific Classification:
The Artic Willow Ptarmigan scientific classification is:
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Aves
- Order: Galliformes
- Family: Phasianidae
- Genus: Lagopus
- Species: Lagopus lagopus
- Subspecies: Lagopus lagopus alba
Looking for more overview about bird subspecies:
The Artic Willow is a medium-sized ptarmigan with cryptic plumage. Breeding males have brown and black mottled feathers. Females are more buff-colored. Winter plumage is completely white. Distinctive traits are feathered legs and feet.

This subspecies is distributed across northern Canada including on islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago like Baffin, Victoria, and Ellesmere Islands. It occupies open tundra and shrub habitats.
Unique Traits
Dense feathering on legs and feet provides insulation needed to survive frigid Arctic winters. Seasonally variable cryptic plumage allows camouflage against summer tundra and snowy winter landscapes.
Frequently Asked Questions
01. How does the Arctic willow ptarmigan find food in the snow-covered tundra?
During winter, the Arctic willow ptarmigan feeds on plant buds, twigs, and leaves that remain accessible beneath the snow. Its specialized beak allows it to reach these food sources, ensuring sustenance even in snowy conditions.
02. Is the Arctic willow ptarmigan migratory?
While some willow ptarmigan subspecies migrate to lower altitudes during harsh winters, Lagopus lagopus alba is adapted to withstand Arctic winters. It stays in its habitat year-round, utilizing its winter plumage and specialized foraging techniques to survive in the snow-covered environment.
03. How does the Arctic willow ptarmigan protect its eggs and chicks in the Arctic environment?
The Arctic willow ptarmigan constructs its nests in concealed locations, often on the ground beneath low vegetation or rocks, providing natural protection from predators. The female’s cryptic plumage helps her blend into the surroundings.
The Arctic willow ptarmigan embodies nature’s brilliance in adaptation. Its ability to transform its appearance with the seasons, blending seamlessly with the Arctic landscape, highlights the evolutionary wonders of the natural world.
Inhabiting the remote northern reaches of Canada, this subspecies contributes significantly to the delicate balance of the Arctic ecosystem.